Kae Travis

Export Data to a CSV and Maintain the Column Order

Posted on by in PowerShell

This post provides a simple example of how we can export data to a CSV and maintain the column order:

 $csvFile = "c:\temp\alkane.csv"
$exampledata = @(@("John","37"),@("Peter","14"),@("Michelle","22"),@("Abdul","31"),@("Roger","22"),@("Rachel","50"))
$csvwrapper = @()
foreach($person in  $exampledata) {
$name = $person[0]
$age = $person[1]    
#append to a wrapper which we export to CSV at the end (Name and Age are the column names we want in the CSV)
$csvwrapper += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ 
Name = $name;
Age = $age; 
$csvwrapper | 
Select Name, Age | #we pipe our wrapper into this so we can define the order we want our columns to display in the CSV
Export-Csv -Path $csvFile -NoTypeInformation
Export Data to a CSV and Maintain the Column Order
Export Data to a CSV and Maintain the Column Order

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